Hello! In my free time, I like to bike, hike, go for a walk, and take photos.
Developed a web application streamlining note-taking using OpenAI's Whisper (speech-to-text model) API for transcription from live recording or an uploaded audio file, GPT (text generation model) API for summarizing and tagging notes, and cloud storage for secure note management. This service allows users to focus on meetings, lectures without taking notes at the same time.
I led frontend development: worked on entire website structure and design, authentication, navigation menu, and displaying user’s notes using Next.js and React.js
We Love Nature
Developed an interactive image reaction web application using React.js. This service allows users to react to nature images by swiping or pressing buttons, with new images loaded through a custom image scraper called “Nature Image Web Scraper”
Nature Image Web Scraper
Developed a Nature Image Web Scraper using puppeteer. It returns nature image URLs. (/a-nature-image: Get only one nature image URL, /a-set-of-nature-images: Get about 8 nature image URLs at once.)
Developed a digital queuing web application for small businesses to offer remote queuing, allowing customers to join lines safely from their devices, while businesses manage the queue via a portal. This is a submission for BeaverHacks Summer 2020 hackathon.
I worked on front and back-end authentication with password encryption using JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, Bootstrap, HTML, CSS, jsonwebtoken, and bcrypt
To-Do List
Developed a To-Do List in React JS (Add, Check, Edit, Delete, Filter, Drag&Drop Tasks, etc.)
Make Your Korean Name
Developed a website to create user's Korean name, or pick one from the Korean name lists and provide learning Korean materials
Orbit Hunt
Developed a game trying to grab the green balls before being attacked by the red balls.(Group project) This is a submission for Game Off 2019
Next.js / React.js / TailwindCSS / TypeScript
Python3 / Flask / Pygame
JavaScript / Node.js / Express.js / puppeteer
MySQL / MongoDB
Git / GitHub / Google Cloud Platform
Postman / Vim / Visual Studio Code
Traveling / Software Engineering / AI