San Francisco, CA ยท parkhaej@oregonstate.edu

Hi! My name is Hae-Ji Park. (First name: Hae-Ji a.k.a HJ) I live in California, but I'm originally from South Korea. I am currently pursuing a B.S. in Computer Science at Oregon State University by taking courses online. My first degree was in Nursing. I worked as a Registered Nurse for one and a half years in South Korea. It was rewarding but learning how to code was much more fun. So I decided to change my career path. When I'm not coding, I like to bike, hike, go for a walk, and take photos.


We Love Nature

React JS / semantic-ui-react / react-tinder-card

[Personal Project (OSU CS361 Project)] "We Love Nature" - Reacting(Like or Dislike) to nature images by swiping left or right, or pressing a button, Seeing new set of nature images using my microservice-Nature Image Web Scraper (deployed by Google Cloud), Styling nature images

Codes on Github


Nature Image Web Scraper

puppeteer / Express.js

[Personal Project (OSU CS361 Project)] Nature Image Web Scraper using puppeteer. Returns nature image URLs. (/a-nature-image: Get only one nature image URL, /a-set-of-nature-images: Get about 8 nature image URLs at once.)

Codes on Github


To-Do List

React JS

[Personal Project] To-Do List in React JS (Add, Check, Edit, Delete, Filter, Drag&Drop Tasks, etc.)

Codes on Github



React JS

[Personal Project] Traditional Gomoku game (5-in-a-row, 2 players)

Codes on Github



JavaScript / Express.js / Node.js / mongo DB / HTML5 / CSS

[Team Project] A digital queuing application for small businesses. This is a submission for BeaverHacks Summer 2020 hackathon.

l worked on the front and back end: login, logout, creating new user/business profile, authentication(by using jsonwebtoken), encrypting password(by using bcrypt). I worked with JavaScript, Node.js, Express.js, mongoDB, Bootstrap, HTML5, CSS.


Make Your Korean Name

HTML5 / CSS / JavaScript

[Personal Project] A website to create user's Korean name, or pick one from the Korean name lists and provide learning Korean materials


Orbit Hunt

Python3 / PyGame

[Group project] A game trying to grab the green balls before being attacked by the red balls. This is a submission for Game Off 2019



Python3 / PyGame

[Personal Project] Traditional Gomoku game (5-in-a-row, 2 players)

Gomoku from wikipedia



Python3 / Pygame / Pandas / Numpy
JavaScript / React.js / Node.js / Express.js / puppeteer
MySQL / Mongo DB

Korean (Native proficiency), English


Cycling / Hiking / Traveling / Software Engineering / AI

Lupin in Iceland by Hae-Ji Park